O'Tacos & I

Download the app «O'Tacos Officiel»

To make the most of our loyalty program and order via Click&Collect !

When in a restaurant, don’t forget to display the QR code in the app to enjoy more benefits !


Order with click&collect and cut the wait !

Place your order through the ‘O’Tacos Officiel’ app and pick it up without waiting.


  • Select the O’Tacos restaurant of your choice.
  • Make your own Otacos and place your order.
  • Pay online. Pay by card or in cash in the restaurant.
  • Pick up your order by clicking “I’m there! ”.
  • Enjoy !!!

Your loyalty is rewarded
with every order

Collect points and exchange them for products you like !

How does it work ?

  1. Sign up on the ‘O’Tacos Officiel’ app.
    A QR code will be created for your account.
  2. Scan the QR code on the ‘O’Tacos Officiel’ app every time you pay at the till or kiosk.
  3. Collect points with every order.
  4. Use your points to unlock your favorite rewards.

And don’t forget to take advantage of the offers available on the app to collect even more points !

30 points


30 points


68 points

1 tiramisu

74 points

1 otacos M

41 points

1 drink

49 points

6 nuggets

109 points

1 otacos L

180 points

1 otacos XL

News and deals

With the ‘O’Tacos Officiel’ app, you can keep up to date with all our news: the latest recipes, deals and promos! Enjoy O’Tacos wherever you are and use the ‘O’Tacos Officiel’ app to find your nearest restaurant !

Download the app