Awaken your shonen spirit with our new FUSION recipe!
Cheesy Asian Balls and nuggets, the sensei of crunchiness
Honey soy sauce, the secret power-up
Red cabbage pickles for the ultimate side kick
Chips and cheese sauce, the legendary protagonists
Otacos, Obowl, crispy veggie option... it's up to you to choose your final attack!
See the list of allergens
FUSION nuggets : Gluten (wheat/oats), milk, eggs, mustard, soy, celery, molluscs
FUSION veggie : Gluten (wheat/oats), milk, eggs, mustard, soy, celery, molluscs, sulphites, sesame
In case of food allergies or intolerances, do not hesitate to also consult the list of allergens directly in the restaurant.
Information on reportable allergens is produced using information from our suppliers on the composition of their products. During the manufacturing stages, we cannot exclude the risk of accidental cross-contamination with other allergens. Fried products can be cooked in the same fryers with frying oil.
Allergens written in black: presence
Allergens written in blue: trace
Gluten*: Gluten (wheat/barley/rye/oats/kamut/spelt)